Friday, April 30, 2010

US Law Enforcement, Courts, and Government- TOO DISHONEST?

... also too incompetent, lazy, drunk, and stupid ...

Again, common working Americans are taking it in the ass. The same liars who lied us into Vietnam, are still lying for their corporate masters.

Image [found here]

Does the most recent oil spill in the Gulf Coast off the coasts of Mississippi, Louisiana, Alabama, Texas, and Florida, just offer more proof that the regulators, government, investigators, the courts, and elected officials just aren't doing their jobs, plain and simple?

Regulations that prevent this sort of catastrophe are in place in some of the most backward countries on the planet, and for some reason aren't in place in the US. An automatic shut off makes sense right? We have circuit breakers and fuses in all of our US homes right? If the US regulators are bought and paid for by the industry they're regulating, you'd expect the regulations and enforcement to be completely lax. Well, across the board, everything is lax when it comes to quality control and checks and balances having to do with anything that is funded with US tax dollars. Just look at the fiasco that is two wars of occupation in Iraq and Afghanistan. Trillions of dollars can't be accounted before. A citizen who repeatedly steals a candy bar from candy stores can get prison, why not the contractors, frauds, banksters, and their elected official friends getting prison for stealing millions, billions, and trillions of dollars?

Look at the banking scandal. The biggest takers of bribes, such as Connecticut US Senator Chris Dodd are still in their jobs after being bribed by the very industry they're supposedly regulating.

I have found out there is no one to lodge a legitimate complaint to about public corruption, police misconduct and brutality, and especially about judicial misconduct. Complain about any of that, and your name is put on a list, you're subject to false arrest and imprisonment. The police have a procedure called, "Arrest and Discredit". They'll leave scorched earth under a complaining citizen's feet. The plan is to make the citizen lose his, or her, family, credit, job, home, and everything they have ever worked for, just for having a "Big Mouth".

For complaining about a town hall clerk illegally pocketing taxpayer funds, the citizen who turns in the official criminal may find themselves on a "No Fly" list after being released from prison. * Check out videos

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Source of below:

Response to Gulf Coast oil spill falls on many shoulders, causing concern

By Sean Reilly

April 30, 2010, 5:00AM
Mary Landry.JPGView full sizeFrom left to right, Adrian Rose, Transocean's vice president for quality, health, safety and the environment, and David Rainey, BP's vice president for Gulf of Mexico production, listen as U.S. Coast Guard Rear Admiral Mary E. Landry answers questions during a press conference about the ongoing operations surrounding the Deepwater Horizon mobile offshore drilling unit (MODU) explosion, investigation, search and rescue, and pollution response, New Orleans, Thursday, April 22, 2010.
Gulf oil spill
See continuing coverage of the Gulf of Mexico oil spill of 2010 on and

To keep track of the oil slick, visit or follow its Twitter feed.

To see updated projection maps, visit the Deepwater Horizon Response Web site established by government officials.
WASHINGTON -- The players include BP Plc, the U.S. Coast Guard and the U.S. Minerals Management Service, and that's just for starters. But under a structure known as the incident command system, no single entity has overriding authority in confronting the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, a spokesman for the effort said Thursday.

"There's not one in charge over the other," Coast Guard Petty Officer Cory Mendenhall said. "It's being run by a unified command."

The approach, which dates back to the 1970s, is intended to promote coordination. But it's also prompting worries that no one government official is ultimately in charge.

In a statement Thursday, Rep. Jo Bonner, R-Mobile, said he is "concerned" that there does not appear to be a single point person overseeing the response effort.

"Even from the local level, this has been a frequent criticism of the situation to date, at least from mayors and others with whom I've spoken," Bonner said.

Mendenhall or another spokesperson for the response effort could not be reached later in the day for comment on Bonner's statement, but federal officials -- who have been criticized for responding too slowly-- took a more aggressive posture Thursday.

After the Obama administration designated the accident "a spill of national significance" -- meaning that more resources could be brought to bear -- Coast Guard Rear Adm. Mary Landry told reporters at a news briefing that "if BP does not request these resources, then I can, and I will."

The unified command system has pluses and minus, said Bruce Pasfield, a former environmental lawyer for the Justice Department, now in private practice in Washington, D.C. at the firm Alston & Bird LLP.

While it can mean that various officials have to come to "negotiated" decisions, he said, agencies may furnish resources more quickly if they are part of the command.

A potential wrinkle in the Gulf spill is the presence of BP, which, under a 1990 law known as the Oil Pollution Act, is the "responsible party" for paying cleanup costs.

Under that statute, the responsible party gets "every opportunity" to handle the cleanup on its own before the government jumps in, Pasfield said.

Ultimately, however, every disaster is a "first-time experience," said Steven Picou, a University of South Alabama sociology professor who has closely studied the 1989 Exxon Valdez oil spill in Alaska. "You're going to have ineffective turns and ineffective decisions."