Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Your Papers Please!

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Are those who talk about the US Constitution to be targeted as Domestic Terrorists?:

The Sovereign Citizen movement is growing.

Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 1/3

Text with video:

Uploaded by on May 17, 2011

Alex also talks with constitutionalist Alfred Adask about a 60 Minutes hit piece demonizing patriots as domestic terrorists. Mr. Adask was interviewed by CBS for the piece. On Sunday, Adask wrote Am I About To Be Labeled a "Domestic Terrorist"?

Am I About To Be Labeled a "Domestic Terrorist"?

Alfred Adask
May 16, 2011

There is some reason to believe that I may soon be portrayed as a "domestic terrorist". This article is intended to blunt that portrayal.

• Last Friday, I received notice from the TV program 60 Minutes that today, Sunday, May 15th, A.D. 2011, (about 35 minutes from now) they'd air a segment that includes me. I haven't seen the segment, so I don't know how I'll be portrayed—but I have reason to believe that I may be cast in a false light and/or defamed by tomorrow's program.

The cause for my concern is the 60 Minutes description of the segment on their "Up Next" webpage:

"Sovereign Citizens - Anti-government American extremists who don't pay taxes and ignore requirements like social security cards and drivers licenses are on the rise. Called sovereign citizens, some have become violent and the FBI considers them a domestic terror threat. Byron Pitts reports. Clem Taylor is the producer."

Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 2/3

Alfred Adask "The Big Legal Secret, The Government Thinks We Are Animals" 3/3

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This blogger's core beef with the government:
